Halloween Celebrations- What Christians are Teaching their Children
Every year, the question of whether or not to celebrate Halloween shows up on social media and in conversations among Christians. This topic appears as Christian parents struggle with determining whether they should or shouldn't celebrate Halloween. There is no straight answer according to some, while others believe there is an easy answer. No matter where you fall on this subject, I wanted to address what our choices about Halloween are teaching our children.
What is Reformed Theology?
There are many questions surrounding the word Reformed. Come learn more about what it means to be Reformed.
How does 2 John Practically Apply to Christians Today?
2 John is often in direct contradiction to the theology of "invite everyone to church!" and "how will people hear about Jesus unless they hear my preacher on Sunday?" - well....while the gospel does go forth through Lord's Day sermons, far more often it is beyond the gathering of believers that the gospel goes forward to unbelievers. The gathering of God's people is not a "public" free-for-all all event despite what seeker-sensitive churches and what public government policies say. Church gatherings are for the building up of the saints in the ministry of Christ. It is not an open debate hall, or a town hall meeting of listening circles where "everyone can be heard, and everyone can feel accepted". The gathering of the saints is a very special time of meeting wherein God gathers his people and meets in Spiritual communion together.
Reformation Figures - Martin Luther
One of the most recognized people of the reformation era is Martin Luther. Luther, more than any other individual is recognized as the catalyzing force which launched the reformation. When marking the period of the Reformation, October 31 is remembered as the day the Reformation began. On that day in 1517, Luther nailed a document containing 95 statements of question and critique of the Roman church.
Reformation Day- Celebrating Being Saved Through Faith
Reformation day is a holiday that is celebrated by many reformed churches and Christians throughout the world. Reformation day dates back to 1517, when Martin Luther nailed 95 theses on the door of the church in Whitten burg, Germany. This act from Martin Luther, started the separation from the Catholic church, and the Biblical teaching that we are saved through faith not by works.
3 Types of False Teachings Still Found within American Churches Today
God’s word is Truth. If we are to follow Christ and become more like him, then we are to follow and obey the Truth of His Word. Within His Word, you will find many truths, one of which is a warning against false teaching. 1 John 4:1-6 is a dense portion of John's writing that details how the church was to identify and safeguard themselves from false teaching and false teachers. Today I'll give a brief history of some false teaching within the history of the Christian church and current iterations, beliefs, and statements that reflect contemporary false teaching. We will look at Antinomism, Adoptionism, and Marcionism, and see how these false teachings are relevant in today’s churches.
The Ruins of History- Historical Reliability of the Bible
One of my favorite discussion points with unbelievers is the historical reliability of the Bible. This often comes up when discussing the reason for my faith (1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,). The Bible is frequently caricatured by unbelievers as a book full of myths, old wives tales, and is in general untrue. This position is most commonly parroted by militant atheists, many of whom I admire as they seem more evangelistic regarding their lack of faith than many inside the church regarding their presence of faith!
A Shepherd in the Office? The Preacher as Prophet, Priest, & King
Family Worship Westminster Question 41-45.
In our previous articles, we demonstrated how the author of Ecclesiastes, the preacher, is a TYPE (1) of Christ. This is significant because it explains our Triune God’s roles as Prophet, Priest, and King for the world at creation and our roles as the image bearers of God in reflecting Him as Prophet, Priest, and King to the world.
Since we as authors are especially involved in Ecclesiastes, we would like to use the wise council of both the WLC and the historical redemptive reading of the Scriptures to guide us to our Great Redeemer, as mediator between His church and God, the One Good Shepherd in Ecclesiastes. First things first. How in the world can we make a connection between Christ Jesus, Ecclesiastes, and his church? Here are a couple of things to consider:
Preachers “Landing the Plane”
Humble suggestion and example for my brothers in the pulpit - I learned from another Pastor's dissertation (Rev. Andrew Vandermoss) about oral preparation for preaching.
Gospel Faith Acts 10:34-43
Last Sunday I had the honor to preach on Acts 10:34-43 which is one of the central pivotal moments in the book of Acts showcasing gospel faith extending from ethnic 1st century Jews to gentiles. The Holy Spirit moved in Peter (a Jewish blue-collar family man who was a disciple of Jesus) and in Cornelius (a God-fearing Roman Centurion from the Italian regiment). It was the Holy Spirit who brought this meeting between Peter and Cornelius about. It was the Holy Spirit who was poured out upon the Gentiles, the very same Holy Spirit whom Peter had witnessed at Pentecost. Today, believers are indwelled by the same Holy Spirit that worked in the life of Peter and Cornelius.
1 John- A Question Driven Bible Study
One of the unique aspects of John as a person was the period of time over which we see his faith lived out. While some New Testament writers were inspired by God to contribute a single letter to the New Testament (like James, Jude, Matthew, and Mark) John was inspired to contribute multiple writings over multiple decades. While the Apostle Paul was used by God to write the greatest number of New Testament letters, John was used by God to write over the longest period of time and a wide variety of genres. Throughout church history the Apostle John is believed to have written: The Gospel of John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Revelation.
3 Ways to Squelch Family Worship Before It Starts
Family Worship can be a profound blessing for the Christian family. Children grow to anticipate and expect that Family Worship will be a part of their day. At least mine do. It’s a habit.
I’ve become a big believer in the transformational power of habits. From my own personal experience, as well as reading Duhigg’s “The Power of Habit” or Earley’s “Habits of the Household”, I’m convinced that continual, consistent small growth and small changes will lead to larger and longer-lasting outcomes than obsessive but fleeting “cramming”.
The Legend of the Donkey Knight
Stories have always played a large part in our family. From picture books to chapter books to comic books to the greatest story of all. We have read stories with our children their entire lives. The stories have changed as they have grown and our children have increased, but reading stories has stayed the same. Today, we want to share with you on of our family favorite stories, written by Jacob.
The Day of the Lord is a Day of Mercy
The Thessalonian church had experienced violence due to their faith in Christ (Acts 17:5). In writing to these dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Apostle Paul and the team of Silvanus and Timothy, saw the coming day of the Lord Jesus as a source of encouragement and hope. If Christ’s return only brought the wrath of God, then all mankind should be terrified. But because Christ’s return brings salvation to those who belong to Christ, the day of Christ’s return is a day to long for, look for, and live for.
Redeeming Family is GROWING!!
Many things will stay the same at Redeeming Family, but the location of our Free resources will change.
Why the Genealogies?
As a missionary, I was asked to speak at a church while the Pastor was gone on vacation. The pastor was a dear friend of mine, and I was humbled and honored at the opportunity to preach. I asked if there were any series or scriptures that the Pastor would like me to preach on, and it just so happened that the church was going through the book of Genesis and had come to the list of names in Genesis 11. My friend encouraged me that I didn't have to preach that passage if I didn't want to, I was more than welcome to pick another passage. Perhaps out of ignorance or some other motivation, I simply accepted the text and began studying the genealogical passage. This set me on a small quest that has over the years developed into a love of the lists of the bible. These lists have been a tremendous help in my faith, even as I have conversed, shared, and preached Christ crucified to many.
How Often Do You Read Your Bible?
As soon as you read a word on a page, you begin interpreting it. Interpretation can be thought of as a mental exercise of putting communication messages you receive (via visual, audio, or other sensory receptors) into thought forms and recognizable patterns in your own mind.
The Lords Table- All You Ever Wanted to Know
I thought it appropriate to share some thoughts on the Lord's Table. Some may wonder "Why not simply quote a catechism or confession of faith?" While I love a lot of the historic documents of the church, many are (particularly those that arise out of the European Protestant Reformation) comparative in their nature based on the struggle of that era.
Changing the Bible?
This piece also shows a woeful misunderstanding of a completed canon. This is besides any argument for continuations or cessations of apostolic gifts. This is just regarding the canon as it stood completed. Just because Christ expanded, and extended pieces of the Old Covenant in his teaching and establishing the New Covenant, doesn't mean we are to then extend or expand beyond the parameters Christ has laid out.