Book Review: Christ Follower: The Art of Dying to Self
“The only reason that sin holds any power over any of us is because we still love it! Though sin will never bring us lasting happiness it will, however, give us temporary pleasure. The only remedy for an animal that has tasted human blood is that it be put down; so it is with the believer - a part of us must also be put to death, in order to fully embrace our new life in Christ!”
This was just one of several portions of M.J. Anderson’s book “Christ Follower: The Art of Dying to Self” that has stirred my spirit. The reader may be attracted to this book from its cover and title. While plenty of books point the reader to their own immediate temporal and temporary glory, Anderson firmly puts before his audience a counter-narrative. “The main aim in writing this book is to present the Church with a Biblical understanding of what it means to be a Christian or Christ follower. You see, this is not a self help book; rather, I pray that God uses this book to strengthen our reliance on Him and to reject any help that self may want to offer” (page 11).
I asked Anderson who the ideal audience of his book would be, and his response was purposeful and to the point: “I hope that any believer at any point in their spiritual walk can benefit from this book. I wrote it though with the new believer in mind; the person who is searching for what Jesus meant when He said: “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." (Matthew 16:24-25).
With this audience in mind, Anderson has written on the Christian life in response to the spiritual malaise within fleshly self-centered religion. In following Christ there are many obstacles from our old flesh seeking to cause us to stumble. Aptly identifying these obstacles, Anderson speaks of multiple contributing external and internal ailments to the lofty challenge of following Christ. These external ailments include deceptions such as: “follow your heart” (pages 20-22), and “be true to yourself” (pages 32-34). Both of these common cultural lies are exposed as obstacles and enemies of following Christ.
The tone of the book is urgent but without hyperbole. Anderson has a beautiful way of forming his points around central themes. He writes with humility, as one who has experienced that which he seeks to share with his audience. The enthusiasm and joy for Christ comes through the book's pages. When I asked Anderson how writing this book has shaped his own walk with the Lord, he responded by stating what a joy it has been to handle God’s Word and how “truly privileged to have the opportunity to share these seeds of truth with whomever will listen”.
With each diagnosis of spiritual obstacles to following Christ, Anderson then provides a positive prescription for the believer based on scripture. I greatly appreciated this about Anderson’s writing. He not only pointed out the challenges of dying to self, but also gave positive instruction based on the scriptures. Hardly a page in this book goes by without a citation or reference to a poignant passage of scripture. Included with each chapter is a short reflection page in the form of a prayer. In this way Anderson ties together each of his chapters with an urge to action for the reader: to pray!
I’m thankful to have read this book as it has come as an encouragement. Anderson’s words have reminded me that each moment is to be held captive for Christ. Only through the Holy Spirit growing us more and more in Christlikeness can we fulfill our ultimate purpose. I recommend this book for individual Christians, families, and gathered groups of believers to read and consider together what it means to follow Christ.
“Christ Follower: The Art of Dying to Self” is just the first work in a series of books Anderson is planning on writing. I will be grateful in the future to read more from this humble and helpful fellow brother in Christ.
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