Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Jesus Speaking Prophetically in Mark

One of the things that has stood out to me while studying Mark's account of Jesus' days before his resurrection is how Jesus knows what is coming. Jesus speaks prophetically - meaning he speaks regarding what is happening or what is about to happen with truthful accuracy.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

A Preface to Interpreting Revelation - Four Views

Because of the multiple approaches to interpreting Revelation that have been held by Christians throughout the centuries I've decided to give a bit of background on Revelation here for anyone interested in "going deeper". This week the next few posts will be detailing a few quotes describing different approaches to interpreting Revelation. 

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

3 Mistakes Made When Reading Prophecy in the Bible

Beyond simply being a book with much interest, Revelation gives the Bible reader a chance to reflect on their own interpretive methods and habits. There is no book in the Bible which requires more self-awareness of what baggage, assumptions, and frameworks we bring to the text. Since we all have baggage, assumptions, and frameworks through which we view the Bible today I'm going to poke a bit (like a doctor or a parent, asking "where does it hurt?") at 3 mistakes which injure our ability to read a prophetic passage in scripture.

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