Amy Toman Amy Toman

State Run Schools- Is it the Best for Your Child?

The compulsory attendance law was enacted in the 1850s due to the immigration of Irish and other European groups. Many east coast cities were full of children and families that needed something to do. This was not for the education of the children, but was to teach discipline and obedience to make these children into good factory workers and citizens. In order to do that, children had to be separated from their parents. They had to be forced to learn, or be indoctrinated with the ideals of someone else.

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Homeschool Amy Toman Homeschool Amy Toman

A Short History of Homeschooling- The Importance of a Christian Education

Homeschooling has become a hot topic in recent years. Many parents have chosen to remove their children from public school settings after the interruptions in schooling due to covid. This influx of children daily in the home, has greatly changed the education landscape of our country. For many of these parents, this was the first time they had an experience with teaching their children at home. The idea of teaching children at home is not novel, although have been accustomed to think its new. In fact, throughout history teaching your children at home was the norm. Homeschooling has been around for a lot longer than we think.

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Book Review, Homeschool Amy Toman Book Review, Homeschool Amy Toman

The Terra Prime Adventures- Book Review for Early Readers

The Terra Prime Adventure Series is a good clean space story for kids and families. The first story sets the scene of a tween boy who awakens on the starship to find that his sleeping pod was opened while everyone else's stayed closed. Zack must solve the problem on the spaceship of an un-identified intruder, with only the help from the on board computer.

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Book Review Amy Toman Book Review Amy Toman

Let Them Be Kids- Book Review

Let Them Be Kids, opens our eyes to look at childhood as a fun process that we as parents need to encourage. Often in society today we rush our kids to the next phase or allow them to spend un seeming amounts of time being entertained by something. Jessica brings up managing video games, television, sleepovers, play dates, outside play, and more.

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

Modern Family Board Games That Have Lasted Through The Years

Family game night has become popular over the past few years. Our family has had family game nights for years. Over time, the games have evolved as our children have grown and we have been exposed to new family board games. With so many choices how do you know which games are the best?

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