Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

What is The Church?- Intro to Christianity

This is a BIG question, what is the church? We will not exhaustively answer this question in this series. We will answer some questions in this series, but for the most part, it is actually our goal, hope, prayer, and desire, that this series will stir up questions such that we will diligently search the scriptures together. This series, in a sense, is not one that will end, as throughout the rest of your life you will be, as you already have been throughout your life to this point, learning and experiencing different answers to the question - what is the church? 

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Who and How to Show Biblical Hospitality

Hospitality today is delegated as something that women do. It is often conceptualized as a noun. A thing that only certain people should do because they are good at it. That is not how the Bible speaks about hospitality. Hospitality is not a gift some of us have, it is a command for all of God’s People.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Hot Topics within the Church

While we live in an age where Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers are all active and sharing a digital space called the Internet, the conversations relating to religion are much different from those prior to the mass adoption of the Internet. Politics, religion, and finances were the socially accepted triumvirate of topics that were taboo among polite company over much of the 2nd half of the twentieth century. Today, speaking of taxation policies, immigration, and even gun laws might make for awkward conversational topics for many, but those issues are not nearly as polarizing as the present “hot topics” within Christianity at large. 

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

Surviving Church with Young Children- Tips for Keeping Children in Worship

Our church bag has changed greatly over the past 11 years as our children have grown and as we have grown as parents. Every stage of life has different requirements for a church bag. When we had no children, our church bag just consisted of our Bibles, notebook, and pen. As our family has grown, our church bag has grown. Read on to find out what our church bag looks like for different ages and some of our favorite church bag supplies.

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