Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

The Lords Table- All You Ever Wanted to Know

I thought it appropriate to share some thoughts on the Lord's Table. Some may wonder "Why not simply quote a catechism or confession of faith?" While I love a lot of the historic documents of the church, many are (particularly those that arise out of the European Protestant Reformation) comparative in their nature based on the struggle of that era.

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Eric Karloski & Stephen Fields Eric Karloski & Stephen Fields

Ecclesiastes Alludes to the Covenant Meal

Many scholars and laypeople believe Ecclesiastes is not, and cannot be, connected with any of the books of the Bible. Yet, in our hearts, we know this must not be true. When people do try to fit it into the rest of Scripture, they will typically try to connect it in one of two ways. 1.) Ecclesiastes is responding/reacting to the entrenched teaching, “If you do this, this will happen” of Proverbs.” and 2.) Ecclesiastes shows us our need for God by the Solomonic Preacher giving us a life lesson in what not to do.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Origin of Paul’s Faith and Teachings- 1 Corinthians 11:23

We typically think of this verse as an introductory note in the larger, more important section about the Lord's table (v17-34). It is situated in the middle of both a rebuke and a corrective instruction for the Corinthian church regarding the practice of communion. While this sentence may seem like a simple linking idea, there is much to be learned from in considering these inspired Words from the Holy Spirit through Paul. This is a genesis, a backstory to all that he’s shared with the Corinthians.

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