Eric Karloski & Stephen Fields Eric Karloski & Stephen Fields

Why Do We Crave That Which Cannot Satisfy? Ecclesiastes 12:11-12

In this final section of Ecclesiastes, the Preacher lifts the curtain and reveals his end goal, which is the true nature of wisdom. I think that many people in the church don't want to hear about wisdom, but instead, they want to be told what to do. We confuse wisdom and law. You see, at the deepest part of human nature is the legalist, and he/she loves the law. This is because they believe that it's their adherence to the law that will save them and guide them in every single circumstance in life. But this is the very point that the Preacher is refuting. He is comparing books' demanding and exhausting nature to the dynamic and liberating nature of true wisdom.

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Eric Karloski & Stephen Fields Eric Karloski & Stephen Fields

Ecclesiastes Alludes to the Covenant Meal

Many scholars and laypeople believe Ecclesiastes is not, and cannot be, connected with any of the books of the Bible. Yet, in our hearts, we know this must not be true. When people do try to fit it into the rest of Scripture, they will typically try to connect it in one of two ways. 1.) Ecclesiastes is responding/reacting to the entrenched teaching, “If you do this, this will happen” of Proverbs.” and 2.) Ecclesiastes shows us our need for God by the Solomonic Preacher giving us a life lesson in what not to do.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

A Few Quotes on Ecclesiastes

The first few verses of Ecclesiastes give us the repeated themes often revisited throughout the book. The phrase “Under the sun” appears 29 times throughout the book and the word for “Meaningless” appears 38 times throughout the book. 

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