Origin of Paul’s Faith and Teachings- 1 Corinthians 11:23
We typically think of this verse as an introductory note in the larger, more important section about the Lord's table (v17-34). It is situated in the middle of both a rebuke and a corrective instruction for the Corinthian church regarding the practice of communion. While this sentence may seem like a simple linking idea, there is much to be learned from in considering these inspired Words from the Holy Spirit through Paul. This is a genesis, a backstory to all that he’s shared with the Corinthians.
Family Worship Question and Answer- Parents with 4 young kids
We have gotten many questions pertaining to family worship. Jacob and Amy did our first joint video to answer some of your questions. Do you have any more questions on Family Worship that we could answer? Comment with them below.
Death and The Intermediate State- What Happens After We Die?
One of the more common questions I’ve been asked since 2020 relates to death. Covid-19 has brought a sense of urgency to many. That urgency has led some to search the scriptures to find the answers to their deepest questions: What happens after we die?
The Apostle Paul's Testimony
The Apostle Paul frequently spoke of who he was before Christ confronted him. In his telling of who Jesus was and why he mattered Paul often has 3 parts to his story - who he used to be, what changed him, and who he is now.
Do Women in the Church Really Know God?
The study of theology for all members of the household including men, women and children, is not just a side issue of the Christian faith but is a central necessity. Theology is the building block of our faith. How can we follow a God that we do not take the time to know? Our God has given us His infallible Word to study to learn more about him.
The Cross as A Symbol
The cross is a big deal in Christianity. It is often the singular symbol representing Christianity. While there are plenty of other symbols that could and do serve to represent the faith we have in Jesus, the cross is currently the dominant symbol carried through the centuries, across borders, languages, and cultures. The cross of Christ has a shared meaning for believers. It was not always so. Through time in history believers have used art to express their beliefs in many different ways until the cross became the dominant symbol that it is today.