Redeeming Family

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Family Worship Ecclesiastes 2:24-26

Together Read: Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 And Rev. 21:18-20

Question for reflection:

1.) How does the covenant meal in Exodus point us to the Banquet we will partake with God at the end when Christ returns?

2.) How does the language of eating, drinking, and being merry in Ecclesiastes point us to the Covenant meal instituted by Christ at the supper?

3.) Remember times when you have been invited to a large feast.  “What was memorable about it?”; “Describe the food and the smells you experienced during the meal.”; “Why did you attend that feast?”; “Why does God invite you to share a meal with Him?”

Song to listen and meditate upon:

Jered McKenna - O the Depth of Love
1. O the depth of love Divine,

The' unfathomable grace

Who shall say how bread and wine

God into man conveys

How the bread His flesh imparts,

How the wine transmits His blood,

Fills His faithful people's hearts

With all the life of God !

2. Let the wisest mortal show

How we the grace receive,

Feeble elements bestow

A power not theirs to give.
Who explains the wondrous way,

How through these the virtue came?

These the virtue did convey,

Yet still remain the same

3. How can heavenly spirits rise,

By earthly matter fed,

Drink herewith Divine supplies,

And eat immortal bread?

Ask the Father's Wisdom how "

Him that did the means ordain!

Angels round our altars bow

To search it out in vain.
4. Sure and real is the grace,

The manner be unknown ;

Only meet us in Thy ways,

And perfect us in one.

Let us taste the heavenly powers ;

Lord, we ask for nothing more:

Thine to bless, 'tis only ours

To wonder and adore.

Father: I confess that I am slow to understand and discern the truth of your world and World. As a patient teacher with a sluggard child, give us the grace to perceive the truth of your goodness through the shadow of our descendants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Child: What is the shadow, and what does it show us?

Mother: The shadow is the truth concealed in order to reveal to us mysteries too glorious for us to see plainly. Like the parables, the shadow both conceals and reveals the fuller revelation of God to show us that He has always had a plan for our salvation.   

Child: Can you please tell me where God conceals and reveals this mystery?

Father: Ecclesiastes points us to the mysteries of God’s goodness simply through eating. This eating which we do is only the appetizer to the heavenly banquet feast when God serves us and makes all things perfect. 

Mother: Let’s read about his heavenly banquet in Isaiah 25:3-8 and Revelation 19:6-9.

Child: Read Isaiah 25:3-8 and Revelation 19:6-9.

Father: Thank you O strong and faithful God. You gave us a flourishing garden for all our needs. Yet we rejected this garden for the desert of idolatry where the simple gifts of food became toilish provisions and sustenance. Yet you continued to send prophets and teachers, signs and miracles, for you will bring us to the garden once again enjoy the banquet feast provided by you yourself forever and ever.

All: Amen