CRC Ministers Leaving Response

Response to Article on CRC Ministers Leaving

You can read the original article here.

I am thankful for the call to repentance and the opportunities the CRC has given to many, extending a period of study, reflection, and discipleship for any ordained office bearer that may have differences with our biblical summary positions as laid out in our creeds and confessions. Synod has given up to 2 years of study and prayer, with an optional appeal for 3rd year for those who desire to remain in the CRC but genuinely desire to learn the Biblical understanding of God's plan for human intimate relations, namely, for sexual intimacy to be expressed within the conrext one-man-one-woman monogamous covenental married relationships. 

Those who have paperwork ready to go and have swiftly left the denomination have done so demonstrating no desire for further biblical study, no desire for further continued dialog to grow in prayer, unity, or discipleship in the heritage of confessional biblical understanding as revealed by God, preached by the Apostles, and carried throughout the centuries. Instead, some have chosen to leave a denomination that is growing in conviction and application of the 3 marks of the church, including the right preaching of Christ, the right administration of the sacraments, and the right exercise of church discipline. 

May God work in the hearts of many who are swiftly leaving, to turn back and reconsider the truth of God's Word relating to human sexuality. 

While the leaving churches will garner headlines from many, what won't pick up as many headlines is the faithfulness of those who have sought to hold firmly to the truth of God, and are actively planting new churches and receiving into membership those who profess Christ and reject all false religions, including the false religion of western post modern hyper sexuality. 

Thankful that God redeems sinners, of whom I am the worst. I know God is slow to anger and patient in redeeming his people. He has shown this time and time again in regards to my own stubborn sin. I'm hopeful the Lord will do the same for many others through the grace of the Lord Jesus. 


Praising God in the Psalms